Building a Dumpster Enclosure

Purpose of a Dumpster Enclosure: A dumpster enclosure, also known as a dumpster corral or trash enclosure, is a fenced-in area that hides dumpsters from public view, maintaining an orderly and clean appearance of the property. It prevents illegal dumping, keeps animals away, and helps comply with local ordinances​​​​​​​​.

Location and Accessibility: Choose a site close to the dumpster pickup area, ensuring easy access for waste removal services and users. The location should be well-drained, with at least 60 feet of approach space for the garbage truck and a minimum of 20 feet of overhead clearance, free from obstructions like wires or trees​​​​​​.

Size and Design: Standard dimensions for a commercial dumpster enclosure are about 8 feet high, 14 feet long, and 19 feet wide, with a gate opening of 15 feet and the ability to swing more than 90 degrees. Ensure there’s enough room inside the enclosure for both the dumpster and easy access by authorized personnel​​​​​​.

Material Selection: Common materials for dumpster enclosures include wood, vinyl, metal, concrete, and chain-link fencing, each with its own pros and cons. Consider factors like durability, maintenance, visual appeal, security, and climate when choosing the material​​​​​​.

Construction and Installation: Whether opting for a DIY approach or professional installation, ensure that the structure is sturdy and complies with local building codes. The construction process involves drilling post holes, setting and leveling posts, attaching rails and panels, and adding gates or doors​​​​​​.

Maintenance and Upkeep: Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of the dumpster enclosure. This includes cleaning and sanitizing the enclosure, managing waste properly to prevent overflow, inspecting and repairing any damages, and applying rust prevention treatments if necessary​​.

If you would like an on-site consultation, or additional resources for building your dumpster enclosure, please contact us. Thank you!